Waitlist.wtf Product White Paper


Waitlist.wtf is the waitlist for all AI waitlist list.

Major manufacturers launch new AI products all day long, and they have to join the waitlist. I saw a tool that can help you join the waitlist of all AI products with one click: https://waitlist.wtf

But the pit of this product lies in: the waitlist that needs to be added to the waitlist

— From the Barret Li Jing

Can be said to be the best product against AI anxiety at present

— From the Yofine

Product feature

1. Realtime Hot Waitlist Gallery

We will provide a waitlist of all currently popular products on the official website, so that you can quickly obtain the popular products and function entries that can be added to the waitlist now, without missing any popular products, and go directly to the waitlist application page.

2. New Product Waitlist LaunchPad

Provide exposure opportunities for niche products or other products with the waitlist function. Anyone can recommend their own or other products, fill in the logo, product name, and URL, and it will appear in LaunchPad after review.

3. Waitlist Widget

We will provide a one-click waitlist integration function for new products, which will have the following functions after integration:

  • Add waitlist function

  • Get through the notion database and maintain the waitlist in the notion table

  • When users register their email addresses on the waitlist, they will automatically enter the list of integrated waitlist products.

  • Provide basic statistics


We will not sell or resell users' email and wallet address data, we will only open up these data for products that integrate widgets, and users can unsubscribe at any time.

All codes are open source, and all the product logic of Waitlist will be directly deployed with open source codes, and there is no black box operation.

The data reported by users is stored in the notion database, and the summary of user data will be reported to the community at an appropriate time.

Last updated